Commercial doors take a lot of daily abuse, and over time, frequent usage can lead to wear and tear, or other issues can arise causing the door not to function properly.
Alignment Problems
One common issue with commercial doors is alignment problems. Due to heavy traffic, the doors may get knocked off their tracks or hinges, which will necessitate realignment.
Mechanical Issues
With automatic doors, there could be mechanical problems. Things like motors or sensors failing, or parts breaking down, could lead to the door not operating correctly.
Damage/Wear and Tear
Given their frequent usage, commercial doors are prone to physical damage. This can be in the form of dents, scratches, cracks, or broken glass.
Security Issues
This can include problems with door locks, damaged door frames, or broken doors, which can impact the building's security.
This is just a short list of the problems we can fix. If you have a door that is damaged or not working properly, we would be happy to take a look and troubleshoot the issue.